Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance

As India struggles to make sense of the recent military tensions on the border with China, Vietnam, at the receiving end of Beijing's muscular approach to maritime territorial disputes in the South China Sea, is embracing the United States.

Although Vietnam and China share an ideology—they are the last of the communist governments in Asia—Hanoi wants to preserve its strategic autonomy by moving closer to Washington.

Outlining Hanoi's strategy at the prestigious annual gathering of Asian defence establishments in Singapore Friday night, the prime minister of Vietnam Nguyen Tan Dung, underlined the current trust deficit between a rising China and its neighbours.

In a not so veiled reference to China, Dung said, "Somewhere in the region, there have emerged preferences for unilateral might, groundless claims and actions that run counter to international law and stem from imposition and power politics".

He also emphasized the importance of the United States in providing security to China's neighbours. While Beijing describes Washington as an interloper in Asia, Dung insisted that the United States is a 'Pacific power'.

"No regional country would oppose the strategic engagement of extra-regional powers if such engagement aims to enhance cooperation for peace, stability and development," Dung said.

Organised by the London-based International Institute of Strategic Studies, the annual Shangri La dialogue has become a major vehicle for defence diplomacy in Asia. In inviting the Vietnamese premier to deliver the key-note address to this year's Shangri La dialogue, the IISS was highlighting the growing strategic importance of Hanoi in Asian geopolitics.

As Dung dined at the high table with the U.S. Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel, the irony of Asia's new strategic realignments were too stark to miss. Four decades ago, Hagel was a U.S. Army Sergeant fighting the war against Vietnam; Dung was on the other side of the combat line trying to defeat the American occupation. Today, U.S. and Vietnam have shared interests in promoting a new balance of power system that cope with China's rise.

Indian Experss


  1. Nguyen Tan Dung is a man with clear vision, he is "Lee Kuan Yew" of Vietnam. He help to modernize Vietnam economically and militarily and move Vietnam into international stage. He help to expose chinese bad intentions, evil motives, irrational ambitions. If Ho Chi Minh is one of great stateman of 20th century than Nguyen Tan Dung is a great stateman of the 21st century. Bravo!

  2. Something wrong with this above poster's brains when he drew a comparison between the former Singaporean leader with this dodgy scumbag - Nguyen Tan Dung.

    Dung is certaining a man with clear vision of absonding $100 billion USD from the economy. When taking the PM role, he promised to address the corruption issues in the Party. Eight years later, he become the king of corruption. He is untouchable and lives above the law. He is a dictator, notoriously known engaging police to inflict atrocities to the innocent peasants who are robbed of the rice paddies and evicted from their own homes. Scores of patriotic students and Vietnamese democracy activists are the victims of his regime. Tell me did anyone in Singapore get arrested for attending a peaceful protest against the Chinese aggressor under Lee Kuan Yew?

    The people Dung appointed into the cabinet are all corrupt, using every opportunities they could to steal. Look at the polymer currency notes scandal involving a treasury chief, the boss of Vinalines escaped prosecution for his corruption crimes.

    It's an insult to draw any analogy between this incompetent dickhead with the man of great vision of Singapore.

  3. Đầy tớ nhân dân

    Ngạo mạn, dâm ô chính là Lê Duẩn
    Già mà lắm con là lão Đỗ Mười

    Mưu mô quỷ quyệt là Lê Đức Anh

    Nhẫn nhục sống lâu là Võ Nguyên Giáp

    Chưa nói đã cười là Nguyễn Minh Triết


    Giả danh Mác xít là Lê Khả Phiêu

    Tham nhũng đớn hèn là cậu y tá (Nguyễn Tấn Dũng)

    Ác thú lộng hành là Nguyễn Văn Hưởng

    Gianmanh, trí trá là Nguyễn Sinh Hùng

    Cái gì cũng nhặt là Tô Huy Rứa


    Không bộ nào chứa là Nguyễn Thiện Nhân

    Vì gái quên thân là Nông Đức Mạnh

    Thức thời, né tránh là Nguyễn Hải Chuyền

    Miệng lưỡi dịu mềm là Vương Đình Huệ

    Thiểu năng trí tuệ là Đinh La Thăng


    Định hướng tối tăm là Nguyễn Phú Trọng

    Ghét trung yêu nịnh là Lê Hồng Anh

    Phát biểu lăng nhăng là Phạm Vũ Luận

    Quen đánh giặc miệng là Trương Tấn Sang

    Hán tặc chính danh là Hoàng Trung Hải


    Thầy gét bạn khinh là Hồ Đức Việt

    Dối gian lật lọng là Vũ Văn Ninh

    Đổi trắng thay đen là Trương Vĩnh Trọng

    Triệt suy phù thịnh là Trần Đình Hoan

    Đã dốt lại tham là Lê Thanh Hải


    Ăn vụng nói dại là Đinh Thế Huynh

    Cạn nghĩa cạn tình chính là Tô Lâm

    Juda phản chúa là Nguyễn Đức Tri

    Tình duyên lận đận là chị Kim Ngân

    Vừa béo vừa dâm là Tòng Thị Phóng


    Dối gian lật lọng là Vũ Văn Ninh

    Lên chức nhờ cha là Nguyễn Thanh Nghị

    Mặt người dạ thú là Phạm Quý Ngọ

    Tính tình ba phải là Phạm Gia Khiêm

    Chưa từng thanh liêm là Nguyễn Thế Thảo


    Ăn tiền tàn bạo là Nguyễn Đức Nhanh

    Chạy trốn an toàn là Dương Chí Dũng

    Nghìn tỉ tham nhũng là Vinashin

    ‘Bà con’ Thủ Tướng là Phạm Thanh Bình

    Ngậm thị ăn tiền là Vũ Huy Hoàng


    Xôi thịt mê gái là Trịnh Đình Dũng

    Lừa thầy phản bạn là Trương Hòa Bình

    Cướp, Giết la làng là Thống đốc Bình

    Ăn no kín tiếng là Cao Đức Phát

    Móc ngoặc đi đêm là Ngô Xuân Dụ

  4. بموقع مؤسسة الحرمــين فخدماتنا ليس لها بديل واسعارنا ليس لها مثيل ،ولدينا فريق عمل يتصل مع العملاء على جسور الثقه

    والصدق والامانه فى العمل ، وهدفنا هو ارضاؤك وراحتك ، لا تقلق ونحن معك

    شركه عزل فوم بالجبيل
    لا تجهد نفسك ونحن تحت امرك ورهن اشارتك .
    أبرز خدمات مؤسسة الحرمــين للمقاولات العامة بالدمام والرياض

    شركه عزل فوم بالدمام

    شركه كشف تسربات المياه بالاحساء


  5. شركة تركيب طارد الحمام بالمدينة المنورة
    من المعروف ان الحمام طائر جميل يتميز بالهدوء والسكينة ولكن قبضت يؤدي الى اضرار وان ذاع انزعاج الى بعض الافراد لذلك يوجد شركه تركيب طارد الحمام بالمدينة المنورة ب تركيب طارد الحمام في المنطقة التي يوجد فيها المنزل ويؤدي بالأنس جاع الى بعض الافراد سبب الاصوات التي تصدر منه والرائحة الكريهة التي تطلق بسبب المخلفات التي يلقيها عن مكان الذي يقف عليه كما قد يسبب اثر سلبي على القيمة السكنية الذين يعيشون فيها الأفراد


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